Itinerary Day One
Saturday, June 24, 2023:
12 pm: Doors Open for Super VIP’s who are led downstairs in The Den for a lunch and private meet & greet with talent
Early Bird Raffle Begins for 1 hour for other patrons who are allowed to enjoy Coexist Floor and Coliseum
1 pm: First raffle is called exclusively for early birds – Announce Giveaway Coexist Floor
2 pm: Tourney Series begins (Smash, DBFighterz OR Tekken, NBA2K, Halo)
Smash Bros Ultimate @ Coliseum on Switches
Def Jam Fight for NY on The Coexist floor at Trinitron
3pm: Jenga Tournament in The Den
Various tables with smaller Jenga sets determine finalist who will play large scale Jenga on Main Stage
4pm: Live Maid Performance
5pm: Cosplay Fashion Show on Coexist Floor
Opening act: Dancers + 1 Artists to perform
Featuring local anime & cosplay designers + cosplayers
6pm: Fighting Game Series Begins
Tekken or DBFighterz Begins on The Coliseum
NBA2K Begins in Coliseum
7pm: Anime Trivia begins in The Den featuring Any Ani Cards
8pm: Live Music Competition Begins in The Den on Main Stage
Challenge introduced to create music for winner of overall game or other preselected game
Producer / Composer Battle first
Sponsored recording equipment to finalize music in game
9pm: Featured Member Podcasts Panel (each half hour segment)
Black Anime podcast on Main Stage
Beats & Sip takes Main Stage
10pm: Karaoke Idol
Live Signups with Judges Panel
Indie Game Showcase announced - Coexist Floor + Citadel (total game entries 15)
Games displayed on screens with polls and QR codes active for community voting.
Community will play games and determine the following winners for the following categories: Best Narrative, Best Music in Game, Best Animation, Best Overall Game​
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards | Pay Online
- Pay at the door | Walk-Ins